Showing posts with label EPM 11.2.12. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EPM 11.2.12. Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2023


EPM upgrade from version 11.2.10 to 11.2.12

It is important to be on the latest version of EPM specially when you need support from Oracle for any technical or functional issues. To that effect, we just completed our EPM upgrade from version 11.2.10 to 11.2.12 in an environment where we have Essbase, HFM, HFR, HPCM, FDMEE, DRM applications in a distributed and load balanced environment.

Another reason for upgrading EPM environment to 11.2.12 was to integrate Essbase 21c latest version 21.4.2 into the existing EPM setup. Essbase 21c integration into EPM, we will discuss on some other day in a separate blog post.

EPM upgrade from version 11.2.10 to 11.2.12

Below are some points worth noting for EPM 11.2.10 to 11.2.12 upgrade:

1- EPM upgrade from 11.2.10 to 11.2.12 happens by installing respective OPatches (Beginning with EPM Release 11.2.9, release updates are distributed as a set of OPatches).

2- Prior to upgrade, you must take a backup of following 2 folders without fail. You can delete these folders after you apply the update and validate your applications.


EPM Oracle Instance: MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1
This will ensure quick restoration of your environment to pre-upgrade running state.

3- You should also ensure taking backup of your EPM servers/VMs and the relational databases/schemas.

4- Before applying the OPatch update for EPM 11.2.12, you can identify any patch conflicts on your EPM servers using following command:
On Windows: .\ApplyUpdate.ps1 <MIDDLEWARE_HOME> -verify

On Linux: ./ <ORACLE_HOME> -verify
If you notice any patch conflict, you should resolve it before applying the 11.2.12 upgrade.

5- You must run .\ApplyUpdate.ps1 OR ./ as an Administrator.

6- If you are up-to-date in terms of applying Oracle CPU for vulnerabilities fixes, then you must be having the latest version of Oracle WebLogic server, Oracle HTTP Server (OHS), Coherence, FMW and others installed on your EPM servers. In that case these components will not be updated during the 11.2.12 upgrade process.

7- Post 11.2.12 upgrade, external user directories like MSAD remains configured/connected to your Shared Services.

8- Post 11.2.12 upgrade, your EPM JDK version will be changed to 1.8.0_351 on all the servers. It happens because Release 11.2.12 also includes Java Updates. So make sure you upgrade your JDK, If you were on some higher JDK version prior to 11.2.12 upgrade (normally we do this as part of Java security Vulnerability fixes on EPM servers).

9- As your JDK version will be updated post 11.2.12 upgrade, you must take back up of following keystores on all servers, prior to upgrade:


Ensure that you restore the backed up keystores (cacerts) post upgrade.

10- After applying Release 11.2.12, you have to Redeploy Oracle Hyperion foundation services. Your Weblogic Admin server must be up and running before you redeploy your Foundation services.

11- Post EPM 11.2.12 upgrade, make sure to install the latest version of Clients like EASConsole.exe, EssbaseClient.exe, supplied with EPM 11.2.12 release.

12- Oracle Data Relationship Management (DRM) is installed separately and will continue as a full install release for 11.2.12 as well.

13- Your configuration settings for DRM integration with HSS for users authentication will remain intact after DRM 11.2.12 installation, so no action required on that front.

14- Make sure to validate all EPM Apps and their functionalities thoroughly post 11.2.12 upgrade.

That's all for this post. I hope this article has helped you.

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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

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Use of Microsoft .NET Framework in Oracle EPM 11.2.x


What is the use of Microsoft .NET Framework in Oracle EPM 11.2.x setup?


In Oracle EPM 11.2.x, Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 Framework as provided by Windows Operating System, is REQUIRED ONLY FOR Data Relationship Management (DRM) and SmartView. No other EPM 11.2.x application uses .NET Framework.

For example, if you are using Windows 2019 Server for your EPM 11.2.10 setup, Windows 2019 Server by default comes with IIS 10 and .NET Framework 4.7 installed so you don't even need to install any .NET Framework version manually. But yes, as part of your security vulnerability fixes on the EPM servers, you need to install KBs or Windows updates related to .NET Framework 4.7/4.7.x occasionally.
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How to stop/start Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) 12c in EPM 11.2.x

Unlike prior versions, EPM 11.2.x does not include Oracle HTTP server (OHS) startup service. So you need to either manually start ohs component or create a script for the same.

EPM services are generally started in below order in EPM 11.2.x:

1- Start Oracle WebLogic Admin Server

2- Start all EPM services including Node Manager service from the Windows Services panel. Node Manager service name will be like Oracle Weblogic ohs NodeManager (E_Oracle_MIDDLE~1_ohs_wlserver). 

Note: Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) is managed and monitored with Node Manager. So OHS needs Oracle Node manager service running to start. 

How to stop/start Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) 12c in EPM 11.2.x

3- Start Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) from command line.

Starting Oracle HTTP Server from the command line:

1- Open Command prompt as an Administrator.

2- Type below command to start OHS server:

E:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\httpConfig\ohs\bin\startComponent.cmd ohs_component

3- It will prompt for a password, Enter the WebLogic Admin Server password.

How to stop/start Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) 12c in EPM 11.2.x

4- OHS server is successfully started. 

# To stop OHS server:

  • Stop the Node Manager service from Windows Services panel: Oracle Weblogic ohs NodeManager (E_Oracle_MIDDLE~1_ohs_wlserver)
  • Stop Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) from command line using below command:

 E:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\httpConfig\ohs\bin\stopComponent.cmd ohs_component

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