Tuesday, December 28, 2021

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EPM: Log4j vulnerability/security-threat in EPM

We all have heard about the Log4j vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046) reported recently in Dec 2021. 

The Apache Software Foundation has released a security advisory to address a remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) and a denial of service vulnerability (CVE-2021-45046) affecting Log4j versions 2.0-beta9 to 2.15 ( a system running Apache Log4j version 2.15 or below i.e. Affected Versions are Apache Log4j versions 2.0--2.15.0). A remote attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system by executing arbitrary code. The recommendation is to upgrade to the latest Log4j 2.16.0 or applying recommended mitigations immediately. 

It has been determined that Log4j vulnerability impacts EPM (Enterprise Performance Management) application too via the Apache Log4j open source component it ships (EPM ships the log4j Java library as a jar file to be used by the applications like HFM, FCM etc.).

So its imperative to take mitigation steps to alleviate the impact associated with Log4j vulnerability for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM).

Currently we are in the process of upgrading our existing EPM environment to EPM 11.2. So we though to know the impact of Log4j vulnerability/security-threat first on EPM as we are sure that EPM 11.2.x is impacted by it.

What could be better option than checking with vendor Oracle itself about the impact and mitigation plan of Log4j vulnerability in EPM

So those who still have EPM up and running (as of 28th Dec 2021), you should know that:

EPM is NOT AFFECTED by Log4j vulnerability/security-threat, as confirmed by Oracle support and shown below. EPM uses log4j 1.x library which is not impacted by Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046) reported for Apache Log4j version 2.x (i.e. Affected Versions are Apache Log4j versions 2.0--2.15.0).

That's all for this post.
I hope this article has helped you. Your suggestions/feedback are most welcome.
Keep learning and Have a great day!!!

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Friday, December 17, 2021

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EPM: Batch Script to backup essbase.sec file on Oracle Essbase server

As part of your EPM backup strategy, its important to backup your Essbase security file (essbase.sec) on daily basis to handle unforeseen issues in your Oracle EPM Essbase server/application.

Below is one batch script that you can use to backup/copy the latest essbase.sec file from your source (Essbase server) and paste it into a destination (Essbase server itself or any network share) renaming it with today's date for easy identification during restoration.

@echo off

:: Format today's date in YYYYMMDD format
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime ^| find "."') do set "dt=%%a"
set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%"
set "MM=%dt:~4,2%"
set "DD=%dt:~6,2%"
set "today_date=%YYYY%%MM%%DD%"

:: Source path
set sourcepath=E:\apps\oracle\epm\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\EssbaseServer\essbaseserver1\bin

:: Destination path
set destinationpath=E:\EPMBackup\Essbase_Backup\BKPFiles

:: Log path
set logfile=E:\EPMBackup\Essbase_Backup\Log\Essbase-Sec-File-Copy_%today_date%.log

:: Copy the latest essbase.sec file
for /f %%i in ('dir "%sourcepath%\essbase.sec" /b/a-d/od/t:c') do set NewestFile=%%i
echo %today_date% >>%logfile%
echo ---------------->>%logfile%
echo %NewestFile% >>%logfile%
copy "%sourcepath%\%NewestFile%" "%destinationpath%\%NewestFile%_%today_date%" >>%logfile%

  • I assumed that you have your Essbase component installed and configured on a Windows server.
  • If your Essbase is installed on Linux/Unix server, you can create a bash/shell script accordingly based on this same logic.
  • You can change source path, destination path and log file path as per your Essbase server and requirement.
  • Schedule this script in Windows Task scheduler on Essbase server to run everyday at a fixed time.
On successful run, everyday following two files will be created i.e. essbase.sec backup file and a corresponding log file.

That's all for this post.
I hope this article has helped you. Your suggestions/feedback are most welcome.
Keep learning and Have a great day!!!

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